
PS插件-长阴影拖尾投影效果 LongShadow v1.1 Win

2021-1-11 PS插件 3641


是一个功能强大的插件,可在Photoshop中轻松生成平坦的图形阴影,并具有多种选项。与当前市场上几乎所有其他长阴影生成器不同,长阴影是本机编译的插件,这意味着它可以快速且完全集成在 Photoshop中。


Long Shadow is a powerful plugin for generating flat, graphic shadows easily within Adobe Photoshop, featuring a multitude of options. Unlike virtually all other long shadow generators in the current market, long shadow is a natively-compiled plugin meaning it’s fast and fully-integrated within Adobe Photoshop.

相关资源:LongShadow / 长阴影


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