元素粒子汇聚破碎ae脚本Particle Graphy Studio v1.2 破解版+使用教程 是一套强大的视频粒子化脚本;约60种粒子效果:火焰,烟雾,水墨,飞沙,图形,小元素,文字,飞鸟,粒子动画等众多预设,粒子可自由叠加组合,能够应用到图片,文字,Logo等任何图层上;可自定义设置粒子的大小,方向,位置,旋转,出入动画等多种属性,含高清视频使用教程,和脚本安装方法。
元素粒子汇聚破碎ae脚本Particle Graphy Studio v1.2 破解版+使用教程
软件大小: 1003MB
该脚本支持Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CS6-CC 2014,以及Windows (64-bit) After Effects CS6-CC 2014,敬请留意。
For generate the particle please install AE cc 2014 – AE CC 2013 – AE CS 6 (Then you can use results in other versions)
“Particle Graphy Studio” is a AE script based on fottages and works with alpha channel of pictures , produced by vidnoa studio. and this is the first released version .
- Simple Installation (just copy the folder)
- No plugins Required
- Works in ( Windows and Mac ) AE:CS6-CC-CC2014
- 55 Type of Particles
- Particles Combining Ability
- Help On Script
- Fast Render